martes, 9 de octubre de 2018


In the last class, the teacher asked us to write "welcome" in different languages which are spoken in our school, and they had to be writen in different fonts. For that, the teacher showed us a video of different types of hand-lettering, but as  I am a very bad drawer, my  lettering was so ugly.

Lettering is very important in marketing, each brand, each shop, each restaurant... has its own font, to show that, I took three different pictures of different logos as the teacher asked.

This picture shows the Adidas logo. It's a sport brand and its lettering is very round and simple giving a sportive impression.

This one is very different to the previous one. Casio is a calculator brand. Its lettering is simple but very technical and its shape is more alike to a square.

   As you can see, this last picture is of a Swedish backpack brand. It has the logo of a fox. The lettering is a kind of European lettering, very clean and round.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018


The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass comunication.

The tools I use most of mass media are:

  • The TV:  every night my parents watch the news in the TV. They usually watch the etb1 channel. Etb1 is the first TV channel of Euskal Telebista, the free channel from the Basque Country.

  • The newspaper:  my father reads the newspaper in the computer; he reads different types of newspapers, such as Gara, Diario Vasco... They both are bilingual newspapers, writen in Basque and in Spanish. 

  • Internet:  I use the internet for many things, to look for information, for social media like instagram.