martes, 29 de enero de 2019


Dolce Vita is the film I've seen during christmas.
These are the patterns a film follows:

  1. YOU: Marcello Rubini the journalist writes fort gossip magazines
  2. NEED: He wants to success in his job by interviewing Sylvia.
  3. GO: He falls in love with her.
  4. SEARCH: she does her own way 
  5. FIND: Then he meets another girl, Emma
  6. TAKE: She falls in love with him but he doesn't.
  7. RETURN: Some years later, Marcelo goes to a party.
  8. CHANGE:In the end Marcello doesn't find the love of his life.Resultado de imagen de dolce vita

martes, 22 de enero de 2019


This time the teacher asked us to make a video during the christmas holdays about our culture. My group and I have decided to focus on a traditional festive day of our city: "Santo Tomas". We've tried to show the traditions and habitual things that we do on that day such as visit the animals and eat our special food called "talo". But the most special thing we do this day is dress up as the old basque people; here an example:

Imagen relacionada    Imagen relacionada

viernes, 11 de enero de 2019


  1. RAVIOLIS STUFFED WITH KRISSIA (Optional: mayonese).
  2. It’s easy to prepare as you have two dishes in one and you don’t have to worry about cooking first and second plate. Apart from that this new formula is healthy and appealing for children.
  3. The weaknesses are that our idea is not very original, neither risky.
  4. We need to do business with pasta companies to make our product, because it isn’t enough with krissia.
  5. The challenge’s aim is to target a young public and we think we have met their expectations introducing our innovative formula which is raviolis stuffed with krissia. We thought that pasta is the most liked food of children, that is why we mixed these two flavours.
  6. We will need machines to make our product because if we do it by hand it will take a lot of time.  
  7. Because it is appealing for children and we think that we have reached to the aim of the challenge that was introducing fish to children diet.

domingo, 6 de enero de 2019


  1. RAVIOLIS STUFFED WITH KRISSIA (Optional: mayonese).
  2. It’s easy to prepare as you have two dishes in one and you don’t have to worry about cooking first and second plate. Apart from that this new formula is healthy and appealing for children.
  3. The weaknesses are that our idea is not very original, neither risky.
  4. We need to do business with pasta companies to make our product, because it isn’t enough with krissia.
  5. The challenge’s aim is to target a young public and we think we have met their expectations introducing our innovative formula which is raviolis stuffed with krissia. We thought that pasta is the most liked food of children, that is why we mixed these two flavours.
  6. We will need machines to make our product because if we do it by hand it will take a lot of time.  
  7. Because it is appealing for children and we think that we have reached to the aim of the callenge that was introducing fish to children diet.


This is a picture from Antiguo, in the Matia Street. 


“La Dolce Vita” was made in 1960 in Italy. It was directed by Federico Fellini and produced by Giuseppe Amato and Angelo Rizzoli.  
This film is consisdered one of the best films ever made. It was first published in the Cannes Film Festival where it came up being the winner of the  Palma d’Or in 1960. In the very same year, it also won the Oscar Prize for its best costumes.

The main characters are Marcello Mastroiann (Marcello Rubini), Anita Ekberg (Sylvia), Anouk Aimée (Maddalena), Yvonne Furenaux (Emma), Magali Noël (Fanny), Alain Cuny (Steiner)…
The theme of this story is a journalist’s life called Marcello. He has a girlfriend, Emma, and even though in the beginning of the film looks like he cares a little bit for her, he cheats on her several times with different women. He also meets with his father after being long time without seeing each other. 

Regarding to my favourite scene of the movie, I liked it when Sylvia and Marcello got into the water of Fontana Di Trevi. Sylvia got impressed by the beautiful look of the huge fountain and that is what pushed her to get in there; she did not have to insist very much to make Marcello join her. It is a nice scene and I am sure it was funny to record it.

I do not really mind about the actors, and although especially I do not have any favourite one, from my point of view, they were all okay. As far as the film, I have seen better ones comparing to this one. It does not have a plot, neither a conflict to resolve, and the story is developped not just without any purpose, but also too sowly. In fact, it is well recorded and the music is suitable for each moment.
I’m not sure about what I have learned and I think it is in the list because it is a historical movie and a very succesful one.